Getting ready to take Manhattan… and Brooklyn… and New Jersey – but first we take the Pet Sounds Bar
November 7th, 2013
“Sorry it took so long, but we were just tuning.” Just like everybody else we were devastated to hear the news about Lou Reed´s passing. And now this quote from his Live Take No Prisoners album comes to mind. So sorry for having neglected this page for a while. But we´ve been busy tuning. Tuning this rock and roll machine of ours into perfection for our first plunge across the Atlantic pond.
Don´t let this moment pass you by
September 5th, 2012
Hi all Pals! Hope your summer´s been real good and that you´ve missed us as much as we´ve missed you. We are getting back into the swing rehearsing, preparing for the release of the new album Turn The Tide (release in January 2013) a new single release in November and booking new gigs. In the meantime we give you this videoclip – by way of the one and only Stargirl B-grrrlie – from our latest gig, with Little Steven´s Underground Garage´s favourites Stupidity at The Liffey in Stockholm: Here comes the sun, “Riding the rollercoaster, don´t let this moment pass you by”